Friday, January 6, 2012

Here we go again.

Well I've tried the blogging thing multiple times. I vented. I shared experiences. I got bored after a while. I tried being funny and clever, but it wears me out. Now it's my kids turn. I have a two year old and four year old who I'm with virtually every moment of the day. There are days where I wish I could just curl up in the fetal position and hide in a corner while they run rampant throughout the house, but generally I aim to be engaging. I'm convinced (as I'm sure most every parent is) that my kids are the most amazing creatures to ever bless this earth. So this blog is dedicated to them and their funny tidbits. Their jokes, and the things they say that make no sense. Even if no one else finds it amusing, I'm writing it down for my own enjoyment and remembrance. These days will be gone in a flash- and man I'm going to miss it!


  1. yea!! Love it and I might even steal the questions to ask my girls!!

  2. Yay! I am excited you have a blog. :) Now we can be double blog buddies. I love your second post! I will have to remember that for a future Mother's Day post and of course, will credit and link to you! How are things going for you guys?!?! It's been AGES since I've gotten a comment from my favorite East-Coaster. (no pressure, just an observation!) LOL :)
